I ate something healthy and didn't die

She says, with tongue planted firmly in cheek.
Last night was the first night of the no-more-junk-food-for-this-family regime. We had grilled lamb cutlets, seasoned with cumin and turmeric, and tabbouleh, consisting of couscous, chickpeas, shallots, diced tomato, mint, and parsley. Oh me oh my was it ever good. I didn't expect to like it, but I did. I could eat it every day, it's that good. It was satisfying without being heavy, and I still felt full but not stuffed a couple of hours later. Charlie just had the lamb, couscous, and chickpeas, but she wolfed it down, which was amazing because she doesn't do that.
Tonight we're having vegetable risotto, with zucchini, eggplant, mushrooms, and onion. I'll write about it tomorrow. It was supposed to be with chicken, but the meat is so expensive here, I opted to make it a veggie risotto instead.
I'm still waiting for my cookbook, but I'm enjoying finding new recipes using ingredients that are new and unusual to me. Last night was a great surprise!
I think Pippa is developing eczema like her big sister. Not necessarily diet-related, because she's had no trouble with the formula, but something she's coming into contact with. She's crawling now, so it could be the new carpet, grouting residue, who knows? At least I have the experience from Charlie to try and treat it myself. I think the reason she didn't have it until now is that she didn't have any creases until now.
Off to do some housework!


yummy! I am so proud of you! Let me know how the veggie bit goes! It sounds great! Sorry about the eczema too...I found great stuff here to use. I'll email you the info later.
Love to all!

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