So maybe I am a bit narcissistic...

but I had so much fun with that 25 random things post on Facebook, that I thought I'd do another one.
1. I have this thing, or I used to anyway, where I wouldn't get out of bed unless the time on the clock ended in a zero or a 5.
2. I still have this thing, where I don't like the volume on the television to be set in between a multiple of 5. 5 or 10, but never 6.
3. I love to read travel narratives. Especially funny ones. "Round Ireland With A Fridge" was a great one.
4. I hate flying. Actually, it's not really flying - it's the thought of crashing. And not just any kind of crash - crashing into the ocean, a la Castaway. Although even I have to admit that flying with Qantas makes it a lot nicer. On demand movies, friendly and helpful staff. It's ALMOST enough to make me forget about all that freaking water so very far below us...
5. I watched Philippa's head come into the world, and it was the most incredible thing I've ever seen, this tiny head the size of a small grapefruit looking right back at me in the mirror.
6. I love to cook. I must get this from my Dad, because he loved to cook too.
7. One of the coolest memories I have of my Dad is his 'mountain class' pizzas. God bless him, he never did anything in small measures. He used to say, "Less is good, but more is better!"
8. I collect teacups. I've got some from my grandmother that we used to drink weak tea from when my cousins and I were girls, and I've got some from my mother-in-law, and I've even got a special one for Christmas from Lachlan's grandmother, passed down to his aunt, who gave it to me.
9. I once watched the extended version of all three Lord of The Rings movies, back to back, with my mom, dad, and my husband. Only a short toilet break in between movies.
10. I also have Macarena and Ricky Martin on my iPod.
11. I think farts are funny. There, I said it. I know, I should probably grow up already...
12. If Mr. Darcy came knocking at the door, I might have to change my name to Mrs. Darcy.
13. Unless he was the cold, arrogant Mr. Darcy, and not the totally, desperately in love Mr. Darcy.
14. And if this were a fictional story, which it is not so *sigh* I guess I should give up on Mr. Darcy.
15. I read science fiction/fantasy novels. I collect them, in fact. But I only like to read the ones that come in series. I love series. I love finishing a book, and having to wait for the release of the next one. The suspense is in-cred-i-ble.
16. I cry when I get to the part of A Little Princess where Sara Crewe wakes up and sees the food on the table, the warm fire in the grate, and she thinks she is dreaming. I also cry at the part where she goes across the street to the Indian Gentleman's house, and it is revealed that he is her father's friend, and he's been searching for her all over the world.
17. Christmas is my favourite holiday, hands down. This was the one thing my biological mother always did well. So that must be where I get my love of all things Christmas!
18. I cried when I toured the local preschool, because I could imagine Charlie Brown running around doing all kinds of cool preschool stuff. I don't want her to get bigger.
19. I am afraid of dying a violent death. When I die, I want to die in my sleep.
20. I collect cookbooks. I don't have a huge collection, but I especially like older ones. I've got one from 1958, that tells you how to set up your kitchen.
21. I used to hate running, and now I'd give just about anything to do it.
22. I hate shopping for clothes, especially swimsuits, undergarments, and jeans.
23. I have no waistline. Literally. My hips end, and then about a half-inch later, my rib cage begins. Proportionally, I've got really long legs - fat lot of good it does me, when I'm only 4 foot 11 inches tall!
24. I desperately wish for a What Not to Wear makeover.
25. dadaddadadadadadadad (that's a drum roll) I love my family. With all its quirks, idiosyncracies, annoyances, glitches and irregularities, I love my family. I cannot, and don't ever want to, imagine my life without them.


Seriously, I have begged Sebastian to enter me in the What not to Wear, or any of those shows. I personally think that if ANYONE knew how long it takes me to get dressed in a day, they'd whisk me away immediately...and with $5000 I could TOTALLY buy WAY more than what they usually do.
Krista said…
I have a thing with numbers too. I hate it when my car stereo volume isn't either on an even number or a multiple of 5. How weird is that? :)

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