Feeling kind of blue today

And I had this whole post prepared about how the life I have isn't the life I expected it to be, how it's quite different than the one I thought I wanted. How boring my daily life is, how blah blah dee blah blah blah. Then I thought, "oh shut up already!" Besides, I've got too much to do for sitting here moping. So I'll have to wrap any self-pity into my jobs for today. Wash a load of clothes, whine a little. Vacuum the living room, whine a little. Hopefully, by the end of the day, I'll have it out of my system. If not, it will be an early night. Now that's funny! An early night - that joke should have an incontinence warning!


Self pity my bum!
I think everyone needs to indulge in self-pity once in awhile. It's healthy to be unhappy, sad, morose...whatever, once in awhile (it's when the clouds are always grey that one needs to worry...). Besides, I am in that place with you right now!
And I love you...and when you're famous on the radio, will you remember me?

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