It's been quiet here lately

So I thought I'd give you a brief update on each of us, to catch you all up.
Lachlan: Still working at the council, still happy as anything to be there. He's been working super hard here around the house, getting ready for the new fence to be put in. This involved removing several trees, and removing the existing fence as it was falling down. It also involved demolishing a brick wall at the front of the house. He can be a maniac, when it comes to working in the garden!
Me: Still struggling with the weather thing, but trying my very best to 'bloom where I'm planted' - thanks, Cindy! I've volunteered to do some light administrative work for the church, which will mostly involve getting the bulletins ready for the services each week, as well as the slides that they use in each service. The best part of it is that I've arranged to do it from home, so I'll be able to squeeze it in when the girls are asleep. I'm still enjoying trying new recipes and new foods - I used leek in a recipe for the first time today, and I was shocked at how big it is. I had no idea what to do with it! Tonight is Creamy Roasted Pumpkin with Spinach Tortellini. Hope it's good, because it was a labour of love, and I burned my finger on the 200 degree (Celsius) pan when I grabbed it to stir the stuff because I forgot it had just been in the oven. There's that mummy brain, hard at work! The walking in the mornings has hit a bit of a snag because of having visitors, and also because the girls have started waking earlier. After we get settled in again, I'm going to start taking the girls with me in the baby bus.
Charlie:  At 2 years, 2 months, potty training is going well, although we've only managed to avoid accidents when I make her sit on the potty. She does understand the sensation of it coming, but isn't quite ready to make it to the potty on her own yet. So on days when I'm a bit too busy to be hypervigilant, we use the nappies - it's less work that way. We've transitioned to one daytime sleep, although I admit that at times, I sorely miss that other one. She is also now sleeping in a 'big girl' bed. I had hoped that it would be a bit longer, but she started climbing out of it, so we (I) converted it to a bed. The first few nights were rough, as she wouldn't stay in her bed, and kept climbing into Pippa's cot, keeping her awake. Then Lachie suggested keeping Pippa awake until Charlie falls asleep, and that seems to be working well. Pippa's pretty laid back, so she just crawls around and keeps herself amused until it's time to go to bed. Charlie is our busy girl, who goes and goes and goes...and goes. She plays hard, sleeps hard. She loves going to the beach, going shopping, going for walks, just...going, really! She also likes to eat things that seem kind of odd for most two-year olds - lentils, chickpeas, lettuce, black olives, barley, split peas, and mushrooms, to name a few. Her skin is fairly clear at the moment, although with the warmer weather she's been scratching quite a lot :-(
Pippa is now 8 months old. I can't remember what she was like as a newborn. Sadly, I was a bit too focused on my own problems to enjoy her then. But pressing on, I do enjoy her now. She's so happy, always smiling. She crawls now, and I'm pretty sure she can sit, although she prefers to crawl around so I'm not too sure. She has 3 teeth, soon to be 4. She pulled herself up to kneel the other day, and attempted to pull up to her feet, but wasn't quite steady enough to manage it. She is a good sleeper, and is very good-natured. Even getting harassed by Charlie doesn't seem to bother her too much. She loves solid foods, and so far has eaten banana, cereal, spinach, broccoli, eggplant, and yogurt. We haven't done a lot of fruits yet, but I should probably get my act together with that. I think we're going to try rolled oats next, as I don't fancy buying the baby cereal all the time, and she's eating more and more of it. She's got an appetite like you wouldn't believe! She seems to have inherited the eczema curse, but thankfully it doesn't seem to be food-related. I think the warmer weather, combined with her crawling, has brought it out. Still though, I'm proceeding cautiously with foods - just to be sure.
Well, that's about all I can think of at the moment. I'd better go and do some tidying up before Lachie gets back, so we can eat this dinner!


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