Hysterical moment in parenting #396

Me: "Did you drop your guts?"
Him: "No".
Me: "I really hope it isn't one of the girls then!"
(Sound of footsteps back the hallway to the girls room)
(Door opens)
Me: "OH MY LORD IT'S EVERYWHERE! CHARLIE, DON'T EAT THAT" (gagging and coughing noises from me)
So she's progressed from being disgusted by poo to finding it the perfect medium for fingerpainting. I've heard of other kids doing this, but thought that surely mine would NEVER do such a thing.
I. was. so. wrong.
So then I chucked her in the shower, used a spare toothbrush to clean her fingernails (yes, it was under the fingernails) and toenails (yes, there too), washed her hair, dried her off and dressed her, only to find that the smell of poo does not wash away. I can still smell it on her hands, even though they've been scrubbed mercilessly.
Then I discovered that the other child (who thankfully is not yet able to remove her own nappy), had a little (read: massive) surprise for me that was camoflaged by the smell of her sister.
When it rains it pours, it is said - I'd say that's about right.
P.S. And I do plan on reminding her of this little episode when she has children of her own... (evil laughter ensues)


Anonymous said…
again. I think I'll have to post something like this everytime you have a story about poo.
In the words of that special funny guy Johnny English "Oh, it's only a little bit of poo." Giggles @ her sis and her neices keep up the good work girls. LOL

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