So much for an early night...

It's 10:30, and I'm now going to bed. I stayed up to watch a movie with Lachie, called The Cleaner. It was pretty good, despite the fact that I'd never heard of it. Tomorrow is Saturday, and normally I'd take the girls for a coffee (my coffee, not theirs), but instead we're going to have some quiet time at home. Well, the quiet probably won't happen, but the at home part is true enough. :-)
I'm feeling a bit more positive about things in general, now that the sun's gone down and the 5 million per cent humidity has lifted. (You think I'm joking, don't you - I get sunburned and sweaty while hanging out laundry, folks!). My mood always seems to lift in the evenings.
So the dishes are done, floors and laundry are not (is laundry ever truly done in this house?), but I am going to bed. The girls are tucked in their beds, sleeping soundly. So I'm going to do the same.
Good night, world.


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