Today's exciting events

Actually, it's only one event. The insulation man is coming to install insulation in our roof. I'm seriously hoping it makes a noticeable difference in how hot it gets here. Especially in the girls'  room. I went in there to get Pippa from her sleep yesterday afternoon, and it was absolutely steaming hot in there. Not good. I can't leave the windows open because the screens all have gaps, and there's only so much a ceiling fan can do! So like I said, I'm hoping that this makes a big difference in how warm the house gets, especially in the summer.
The insulation man is supposed to be here from 8 to 12 today, which means I have to reschedule my doctor's appointment for another day, which is a bit of a bummer, but not overly so - because if the insulation does what it's supposed to do, I'll be sleeping in comfort this afternoon, my friends!
Other than that, nothing much exciting happening here today. A bit of baking perhaps, because I've yet to make this raspberry coconut slice for my dear husband which I promised him. You see, my Christmas gift to him was a voucher for home made baked goods, once every two weeks, for the entire year.
Sorry about that, had to go rescue a library book. I heard the sound of paper tearing.
Speaking of library books, one I reserved is in - it's called Up the Duff, by Kaz Cooke. She also has written Kidwrangling, which is a quite practical and humourous book about parenting. One of the things I like about her books is that she presents multiple options, and while she weighs in her opinion on each option, she allows the reader to draw their own conclusions. She doesn't say, "You must do X in this way, or your child will be a social deviant", which is what many parenting books seem to imply. She just provides a realistic yet entertaining view of parenting, which I find refreshing.
And now for a complete lack of transition... Pippa was awake last night, around the 2am mark. I don't know why, but every time I left the room, she'd howl and chuck stuff out of her cot. And then howl because she'd tossed out her blanket and Tombliboo cuddle pillow. And then when I'd come back in, to return said items to her cot, she'd howl because I wouldn't let her out of bed, but instead just leave. She was likely hungry, as she refused her dinner. (bowtie pasta, lamb, and honey carrots). She did have milk before bed, but I imagine that rice milk isn't all that filling. So I relented and brought her into the room with me (I was sleeping in the guest room, no marital problems just a preschooler who can't go to sleep without a light, and a toddler who can't go to sleep with a light), gave her some milk to drink, and let her play with the Sesame Street house for about 25 minutes or so. Then I put her back into her bed, with some books and toys, and left the room. She didn't cry, but I have no idea when she stopped playing and went to sleep. Possibly, it's because I gave her two daytime sleeps yesterday. Not sure. Just to be safe though, she will not be having a morning sleep, and the afternoon one will be not so long as yesterday, so we'll see if that helps.
I'd better go clean up the breakfast before disaster strikes (bowls of uneaten porridge) and get some breakfast into me before the ickies arrive.


Is she getting teeth? Jack always acts weird like that when he's getting teeth.

other than that, I don't know who Timberlooloo is or what a coconut slice is either...


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