As promised,

my resolution*.
Be a better steward. Of my family, of my home, of my possessions, of my health, of my time, and of my money. Of my relationship with Jesus Christ. If I treated any of my other friends the way I do that particular friendship, we wouldn't be friends for long. And that makes me feel ashamed.
So - here's to a better year of stewardship. Note that I said better, and not good. Because for me, the word 'good' is all too often unattainable. So I'll strive to do better, and leave it at that.
What are your resolutions?
* I do realise that by calling it a resolution, I'm almost certainly dooming it to failure. But I digress...
Not perfect, but better.


Amanda said…
I think I want this one too!! It just about sums everything up perfectly!


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