Please understand

I know I haven't been very communicative lately, and trust me - there's a really REALLY good reason. I'll be able to spill the beans in a few days' time, but until then, it's really hard for me to write anything without giving anything away. So, as soon as possible, I'll be back to normal blogging practices, boring the daylights out of you all with my inane stories of poop, pee, and other hilarious bodily functions. :-)


Anonymous said…
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
Sarah said…
I so wish I had some other way to contact you, to say THANK YOU!!! - you have no idea (or maybe you do) how much that means to me.
cass said…
girl, are you with child!???
I'm zipping it.
I love you and am proud of you! How're the girls? How's Lachie? Is it still roasting hot?
I miss you...

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