Bee in my bonnet

You know when someone says something, and it just ticks you off? Usually because there is a grain of truth in it, right? Well such a thing was said to me, and it really hacked me off. Not so much because it was true (it was), but because the person who said it didn't seem to register that the situation applies to them as well. In other words, check out your own splinter, before you call attention to my plank, ifyouplease???
The remark in question was, "...if you clean as you go during the day..." in reference to random piles of assorted stuff lying around the house, generated by our offspring throughout the day.  
Yes, it's true. Life would be easier, and I would get to bed much earlier if I cleaned as I went during the day. The challenge is that I'm not ONLY cleaning as I go. I'm also cleaning as the girls go. And often, they're going as I clean, like little human cyclones, leaving a path of destruction behind me. So on days when I'm really tired, I just stop. I don't let the mess get to me, because have I said it? I'm tired. And all I accomplish is picking up MORE piles of stuff because I'm picking up the same piles of stuff multiple times! So yes, sometimes I let it slide, so that I only have to pick up the piles of stuff once. Work smarter, not harder. It's how I do things. Maybe it's not how other people do things, but if they don't like it, then they can come clean my house for me throughout the day. Good luck with THAT little project, I say. :-)


cass said…
Yeah! What she said. lol Maybe if the cleaning fairy that was fired would come back and clean after you sis. I'm always firing mine. She always is missing that plank in my eye, I think it needs dusted. Anyway who said that comment to you?
Preach it sistah!
I don't care what anyone else thinks anymore...I don't have time for it. And neither do you!

Now get back to gestating. ;)
Krista said…
I TOTALLY hear you on only picking up once a day! My living room (the only room my son has to play in) is always piled with toys and I hate it, but if I pick up during the day... pointless! So I just wait until he's in bed and then I can relax and have a clean house for a couple of hours! Clean being a relative statement of course!
Amanda said…
I hear you girl! Hope you got your roof all done...


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