The sun is shining

Life here at the house of perpetual mess is good, praise the Lord! I'm feeling well, the girls are mostly happy, and we are blessed beyond measure. I am tired, of course, but knowing that it's because of the life inside me makes it bearable. That, and the knowledge that as soon as we're finished with lunch, I'm going to crash out on the guest bed for the mother of all naps!
Seriously though, I don't wish away the tiredness, the nausea, or the tantrums. Before I know it, I won't be pregnant, and I'll long for it. Soon, the girls will grow out of their illogical tantrums, and I'll remember fondly how silly it all seemed.
So for today, regardless of what it looks like outside, in my life - the sun is shining!
What is the weather like in your life today?


OH my dear...
It's partly cloudy with a chance of Leaks (from my eyes!).
Jack has been up since 4 AM for no apparent reason. Which means, I got even less sleep than usual, which makes me cranky.
And, I fear I'm catching a cold.
And, I wish I could hug you and help you.
The sun will come out tomorrow?!

Still tickled about your pregnancy..I want to send you a package...tell me some things you really miss from here.
Amanda said…
I just read your blog list. SOme great blogs on there! It was a balmy 20 degress here today. :)


I know. I'm random.

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