What did I learn this weekend?

First the funny, then the serious. Or maybe they'll be mixed together.
First, I seem to have rather a high opinion of myself. In spite of feeling like a failure all the time, I seem to have this elevated opinion of myself in the "what a good mom should be capable of" arena. Case in point: I went to this weekend conference with the kids, and I won't lie - it was HARD. Physically, emotionally, and in all other ways, completely life-draining. But here's the thing. As was pointed out to me by my lovely mother-in-law, ALL the other mums with little ones there this weekend, were there as part of a couple. Meaning TWO parents, not one. They all had help. And yet, I seem to think I'm so special that I should be able to do it on my own, without any help, because I'm just that good. See where this is going?
Next: I am in fact, not really all that special. Now don't get your knickers in a knot - I am special in that there is no one like me. Where I am not special is in the "challenges presented by the now oh-so-well-known terrible twos". What I'm saying, and I have my friend Allison to thank for this, is that the difficulties inherent in this stage of development, along with other stages of development, are not unique to me. Every parent goes through it, and it's hard for everyone. So (and she didn't say this, but I will) I really need to remember that I'm not the first person to ever have faced this challenge, and I won't be the last. Instead of moaning all the time about it, maybe I can just constructively ask for advice on how other parents got through it? I'm just saying, is all.
Third: You can NOT force a child to eat something, short of whipping out some World Wrestling Federation-style moves. Can't be done, so just don't try.
Fourth: I've learned (and this is strictly tongue in cheek) that I should just lower my expectations - or maybe just give them up altogether - for a few years, when in the realm of social activities, either with or without children involved.
These next two are serious, and are probably the most profound things I took away from the weekend. One of the speakers, who gave the sermon this morning, said this:
"When you start a task, it seems impossible. When you're in the middle of it, it seems eternal. But when you've finished it, it seems to have gone by in a flash. "
He was referring to rebuilding the wall around Jerusalem, but I think it applies to parenting young children quite well. I'm in the middle, or in the thick of it, and yes, it seems like it will never end. But I know that it will, and probably too soon for my liking. Charlie grows and changes every day, giving me fresh challenges and opportunities for learning each and every day. So jump in the deep end, give it all I've got, and God will honour my intentions. Which leads me to the next thing I learned.
God blesses my efforts. Oh yes, he does. Going this weekend was a massive effort. Mainly because I was on my own, but just the logistics of organising myself and two girls, trying to make them sit still which is a physical impossibility at their age, dealing with tantrums (and we did have some whoppers), etc. It wasn't easy. But it was important to me. And I won't go into specifics, but I ended up only hearing about 20 minutes of the seminar I wanted to hear. It was good, but I just needed to put my babies first. So I did. And God, in his wondrous, miraculous, mysterious way, rewarded me for making the right choice. And maybe that was what I was meant to learn this weekend all along. That if I seek to put Him first, then he will honour that.
Lastly - Crocs are not appropriate footwear for uneven terrain or wet floors. Ouchie.


Amanda said…
You are a mom after my own heart.

No matter what you say or believe, I think you are special in EVERY way. No one can do what you do. NO one can love your kids like you do. NO will will ever have the patience with your kids like you do. NO one will ever understand them like you do. And you gotta know it.

I'm proud of you for your ability to try, even though you know you might fail.

You are wonderful!

Karen Hossink said…
"And God, in his wondrous, miraculos, mysterious way, rewarded me for making the right choice. And maybe that was what I was meant to learn this weekend all along."
I love seeing God work! We think we're going for one thing, it seems everything is going wrong, and in the end God shows us He knew what He was doing all along!
Thanks for sharing these lessons you learned!

Much love,

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