
I think the maid has quit. And without notice, too. How rude! She just stopped showing up, so now my house is in desperate need of a good clean. And it's that one day per month today, the day when I don't feel like doing anything but spooning a hot water bottle and eating a bag of chips the size of a doghouse. Which I won't do, because thankfully, a bag that large doesn't exist. And we don't have a hot water bottle. So I'll just push through it.
We've signed up to do this marriage course, through the church. They provide a meal and childcare, to make it easy for folks to attend. I have to admit, that those are the two things that would prevent us from going, so their reasoning is sound. Plus, it starts at 5:00, so it's not a late night either. I've been told it's a really good course, so I'm looking forward to it.
We went on a little mini-holiday this last weekend, to a place called Stanthorpe. It was fabulous. We tasted wines, sampled cheeses, savoured fudge, and brought back a few goodies as well. Most of all, it was nice to just be able to hear the sound of quiet. To be able to talk to each other without punctuations of whining. To be able to hold hands, because we weren't carrying or holding onto small people. To be able to go and eat someplace that doesn't involve an overpriced, mediocre excuse for a meal in which the only true part of advertising is that it makes kids Happy. To be able to eat breakfast in bed (albeit because the room was so cold), and stay there until 9AM!!!
I'll have to continue this later, as my real life is calling.
Now, where was I? Oh yes, breakfast in bed. Basically, what it boils down to is this:
Somehow, somewhere, I lost the ability to operate in three modes at one time - Sarah, Wife, Mother. It seems that my multitasking could use a bit of work. It's hard being a woman, when most of your days (and nights) are spent being a Mom. At times, the two seem to be mutually exclusive. I love my husband, I really do. But I think most of the time, that love is relegated to cooking his meals, doing his laundry, rearing our children, and cleaning our house. Not exactly the most romantic thing in the world, is it? Yeah, didn't think so.
So how do those three aspects of me combine together? I suppose this is Sarah the Sarah talking, as opposed to Sarah the Wife, or Sarah the Mother. How do I stop giving most of me to the kids, so I have some left for my amazing husband? Because the girls are beautiful, but they will take and take and take and take until I've got nothing left, and then demand more of me. How did I lose this balance? Did I ever have it? How do I get it back?


Amanda said…
Whoa. Those are some tough questions!! I think a great place to start looking is the series "love and respect". Fascinating insight into the Christian marriage!

Sorry about your maid. If you lived by me I would SOOO come over and clean for you!! Its always easier to clean someone elses house!!

Many blessings~

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