
Today is the sort of day so far that makes me wish for an in-home barista service. I've discussed on here several times that I'm not a morning person. As a side note, it's interesting that I joined the military - a profession that sometimes requires you to get up at what can only be described as obscenely early hours. But that's not what I'm talking about today. 5:55 am this morning, my baby (who I think is teething, at least that's the excuse I've chosen) woke up. For some reason, the perception of 5:55, as opposed to 6:00, made it that much harder. We've fallen out of a good sleeping pattern, and I don't know how to get back to it. I know, I know - this won't last forever, etc. and so on. But it bothers me that we had good sleepers, and now we've not got good sleepers. That will teach me to be an overconfident so-and-so, I suppose. These are the two major sleep things that I want to get sorted out, so I'd appreciate any input.

Due to some pretty consistent upheaval in our household, she has ended up sleeping in our bed. At times, it's quite cosy and lovely. At times, not so much. The eventual goal is to get her into her own bed, in the room that's been so lovingly decorated for her. My thought is that perhaps to start, we can put her bed in our room, and convince her to sleep in her own bed in our room.

Due to the same consistent upheaval, just doesn't sleep all night anymore. Sometimes she will, but sometimes she will wake up twice. I got into the bad habit of making her a bottle every time she woke up at night. Mostly because a bottle is a surefire way to get her to go right back to sleep with little or no disturbance to any visitors we might have had. So now, I don't know how to get her back to sleep without it. Plus, all the extra bottles means she wees more, so she wakes up cold and wet. I'm not sure how much food she should have all day, so I suspect that she's waking up hungry, as she always finishes the entire bottle. So maybe if I could get her belly consistently full all day long, she would sleep longer at night?

Any suggestions would be most welcome, because we're pretty tired at this house. Well, I am at least - Lachlan sleeps right through it all. But that's another post for another time. :-)



Janson wouldn't sleep through the night either, so I would mash up a whole banana and feed it to her RIGHT before bed. Add a bottle of milk to that, and you've got a very full baby! That's my only advice.

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