
I'm a night owl. I've tried to reform, for the sake of my family. To impress others, with my "up and at 'em" approach to life. But the cold, hard, truth is that I am not a morning person. I am not an "up and at 'em" person. My brain doesn't warm up until about 4pm. And instead of fighting that, I'm going to go with it. I want to celebrate the way God made me - not change it. That's not to say that I'm going to sleep until 4pm, leaving my children to their own amusements (can you imagine the mess???). No, just that I'm not going to spend the entire day running after them, picking up every crumb, wiping every smear, and freaking out about every single little mess they make. Toys dumped on the floor? As long as no one gets hurt, it doesn't matter. Sure, there are some things I can't let slide  - food messes, bodily fluids, dangerous (medicines) or breakable (my sunglasses, electronics) things. But otherwise? I'm happy to play with my babies, and at 3:30 pm, after I've had a coffee (or two, since they are buy one get one free), get to it. It's just how I roll. And I'm finally comfortable with that. Some people prefer to do it all day long. Others can get up at the crack of dawn and get to it. Huzzah for them, I say. That's just not what works for me. And really, at the end of the day, if we're all  alive, well, clothed, fed and relatively clean, does it matter how it got accomplished? So that's it, my big discovery.
Today is shopping day, so I'd better get dressed so we can get to the shops before it gets too busy. Plus, that way we're guaranteed to find a two-kid trolley!


Amanda said…
Hey, great blog name! :)

God bless-
People ask...are you a morning person or a night person...I always tell them I'm a mid-afternoon person! Hugging you...xoxox

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