Dress me, please?

I'm turning myself into a human paper doll, with a plea for help.
I'm 4' 11", on the curvy side, with a very short torso, thick arms, and a very flat backside. I've also got a fairly generous top half, which is as far as I'll go. There are some boys who read this, after all!
Now I'm not wishing for a different body. I'm simply being realistic. This is, for the moment, what I'm working with. So I'm not speaking in this way because I've got a negative body image - it is what it is, and I just want you to have a clear picture in your mind.
Shoes: Running shoes, thongs (flip flops), two pairs of fake crocs (one pink, one blue), one pair of leather boot-like shoes (great for jeans), and one pair of sandals.
Bottoms: Two pairs of jeans, both baggy.
                    Four denim skirts
Tops: 3 long sleeve shirts, one pink, one purple, and one cream.
             I also have a lot of t-shirts, but I don't like to wear them because they're too baggy.
Note a complete and total lack of anything 'dressy'. Which sort of suits the lifestyle here, I suppose.
I've neglected this area for a while, because for the longest time I was either pregnant or breastfeeding, or just too tired to care about what clothes I was wearing. Lately though, I just feel so frumpy and dumpy. I can't imagine what it's like for my husband to come to bed each night to sleep next to some lady wearing his old sweatpants with a hole and some paint stains, matched with the way over the top too big top. I mean, could I make any less effort?
Now he's pretty amazing about the whole thing, and is quite appreciative of what lies beneath, without being too fussed over the wrapping. But I really want to make an effort for him. Like I did before we got married. When I wore special things because I knew he liked them.
Also to consider is that I spend a good portion of my day with small children, and housecleaning. So I want something a bit more classy than sweats and a t-shirt, but not so nice that I can't do my normal stuff.
I tend to lean towards clingier things, as opposed to straight line designs. And as for the a-line dresses that supposedly flatter all types? Not so much. I tend to look like a human tepee in them.
So there you have it - I'm throwing down the gauntlet, with the requirements to be met. Let's see what our combined fashion senses can come up with!


Amanda said…
Ha!! I have NO CLUE. I wear t shirts and jeans all the time!!

God bless~

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