Partial solution to the sleep thing

We put Charlie in the room with Pip last night, and it seemed to be working out just fine. Until Pip woke up with an almight yell, that is. So it would appear that the first hurdle is to get her to sleep all night. I've had a suggestion from Heather, which I will try tonight. Basically, I'm going to try and fill her little tummy all day long, and hopefully, she will sleep a bit longer. We'll see...
On another front, does anyone want a two and a half year old for the afternoon? I've got one, and you can have her for a while...
Let's just say that I am SO ready to get the heck out of Dodge for a couple of days.


Amanda said…
One suggestion I heard, which sounds weird, but it is to make sure that her room is completely dark. No light. No night light from under the crack of her door... totally dark.

Its the BEST way to get a child into REM sleep and keep them there...ANY light will stimulate the brain!

Good luck!
Heath Hile said…
pass thanks, id rather take the dog for a walk

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