What do you think you're doing???

Yesterday evening, as I was preparing dinner, I noticed that Charlie was far too quiet. So I called out to her (she didn't answer, surprise surprise). Then I noticed that the pantry door was almost-but-not-quite closed, and there was a mysterious white powdery substance on the floor outside the door. Oh goody goody gumdrops, she's got into the flour again. I open the door, and she is sitting in a pile of 1 kilo of flour, sifting it through her little fingers, making trails in it, and just having a fantastic time.

When I asked her what she was doing, what I meant was why are you doing it. She didn't get the memo though, because she answered me thus:

"I'm playing in the snow."

I was speechless with laughter, and rather than punishing her, I took a photo and blogged about it. Because it somehow wasn't a big deal any more, and instead was hilarious!

I love my kids, that's for certain.



If that child was not cut from the same cloth as you!!! I LOVE HER...but I loved YOU first!!! :) What a smart little girl!
Anonymous said…
we've just got to see this photo now! lol
That's classic! Love it. But where's the picture? ;-)
joe said…
too adorable! so busted!

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