Suggestions, please!!!
Okay, so it's like this:
Today, my two-year old said three phrases that I know without a doubt she's heard come out of my mouth. Nothing obscene, just impolite and one not nice. Phrases that I dearly wish I'd never let slip, phrases that I'd like her to unlearn, and ASAP. So how do you go about un-teaching them things?? I know the best way is to not let her hear it in the first place, but obviously, we've missed the boat on that opportunity. So now that she's heard it, and (intelligently used it in the correct context even) used it, how do I get her to not use it anymore??? How do I correct her when she says them without making a huge fuss about it? *hangs head sheepishly* I know I can't be alone in this, so what are your experiences?
if, in reality, that doesn't work and it's something that sticks, and she's saying it all the time, then i'd try stopping what you and she are doing and sit her down and calmly explain that we shouldn't say that, it's not nice, and mummy will try very hard if she does.
if all of that calm stuff doesn't work, do what i do and worry anxiouly about it until she finds another phrase she prefers that she heard someplace else and you can't get her to stop saying. i'm afraid it's never an easy answer, is it? good luck.