I have learned something new

Charlie and I are identical. Okay, I'm a little bit taller, but what I was referring to was our personalities. Lachlan's said all along that she's a little mini-me, but I always thought he meant that she looked like me. Which she does, but I digress. So about the personality thing - I've discovered recently that this is why we butt heads so often. We're both emotional, irrational, and completely stubborn (thanks for that one, Dad!). So when she starts to chuck a barney, as it is sometimes said here, I'm trying to talk her out of it, or worse, it makes me chuck a barney right back. And there we sit, two irrational beings, horns locked, each trying to convince the other to see things our way. You would think, that what with me being the adult and all, that I would graciously bow out, or just not engage in that type of discussion with someone who only says a few complete sentences, but somehow, I get sucked in - every time! Until I realised that my being irrational and unrealistic wasn't accomplishing anything at all - except showing her how to be irrational and unrealistic, and hello?! She's got no problems with that!
So what we do now is, if she starts to lose the plot, I just take her to her room, close the door (she does have a few toys in there, but it's not really about a punishment - it's about cooling down), and when she's calm, we kiss and make up. It's done wonders. My blood pressure isn't spiking due to the stress of trying to win an impossible argument, she's not learning more about how to be irrational from me, and we both get a breather. It's win-win, folks!  Now, if I could just get her to stop hiding my stuff...


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