
I realised something over the last couple of days.
I may not know exactly who I am, or what it means to be me. That's okay. What I do know is that I am not everyone else. I am unique, special, and custom-made for the job I've been put on this earth to do. I am one-of-a-kind. There never has been, nor will there ever be, anyone in the world who is like me. All this is to say that I can now say with confidence that I don't have to do things like other people because of some notion that they won't like me if I don't 'copy' them. I don't expect anyone in the world to 'copy' me, or adopt my methods, such as they may be. I totally respect and admire people, regardless of whether or not we do things the same. I don't think that I'm better or worse than anyone else. Just different. I only have one standard to follow, and that's the one God has set for me. It's got nothing to do with the way other people do things. If I don't do things the same way, it doesn't mean I don't love someone, or don't respect them. It doesn't make them (or me) a better person, or even a better Christian.
So, for the record:
I will probably send my children to public school, although at this point it's a bit premature to decide that.
I will more than likely continue to eat breakfast while wearing pajamas.
I will also probably continue to eat peanut butter with chocolate, although not for breakfast.
I will probably still forget to wipe my children's faces before going out in public.
I will continue to have my children immunised.
If I have another baby, I will try to breastfeed for 6 months and then switch to formula without any guilt whatsoever.
If I don't have another child, I will not feel inadequate for not being more fruitful.
If I'm having a hard day, then I'm having a hard day. I won't say that it's not hard just because someone else is always having a worse day. It is hard - for me.
If I mess up in any way whatsoever, I won't linger on it. Think about it, learn from it, and move on. 
I won't alienate someone because they've made a mistake. That's when they need the most love and support.
I will continue to read Harry Potter, and when age appropriate, if they're keen, will read them with my children. Although by then, Harry Potter will be 'so last year'.
I am still going to watch and enjoy the movies and tv shows I like, until I feel strongly that I shouldn't.
I will colour my hair, regardless of the fact that my body is made to age (although technically, it wasn't made that way - sin is what makes me age)
I can't really think of others at the moment, although I'm sure there are more. My point is that I don't have to be like anyone else, and no one has to be like me. We're different. Big honking deal, let's just be friends anyway, shall we?


I agree with them! My favorites...public school, immunisations, saying your day is hard (I totally know that feeling) missed one. You have to learn to say NO. (Um, that was totally meant for myself as well.)

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