You know those random thoughts?

The ones that pop into your head, and you can't get rid of them? The ones that happen betweem 1 and 3 in the morning? I had one of those last night, and it's still with me.
Charlie woke up inexplicably but predictably around 1am. I got up, settled her, but I was back in bed no longer than 3 minutes when she woke again. This time, to save myself more trips, I just brought her back to bed with me. When she had fallen asleep, I was lying there awake. And nauseated. And the thought hit me- what if I'm pregnant? Of course then I started thinking that I'd been so careful, but there was that one day where I *nearly* missed a pill, but thought I'd caught it in the 12 hour window. But surely not...
And then my mind jumped to the logistics of having a third child in this time frame. On the plus side, he/she would be born sometime in February, when Charlie is in preschool. And I've already had two at home 18 months apart, so having two at home 21 months apart would be hard, but no more difficult than what I've already done. Then I thought about all the stuff that you have to buy for babies, and all the extra nappies, extra laundry, etc. And then you want to know what I thought? Absolutely nothing, because even if it did turn out that I was pregnant, I know it would be okay. It makes me actually hope that I am a little. Because 3 children feels right to me - as though our family would be complete. I should know in a couple of days whether I am or not, but you know what? It doesn't matter. Either way, it will all be okay. God's peace is upon me - now if it could just have been  upon me at 1am!


Krista said…
Wow, that's a crazy thought! Good luck to you either way!
Sarah said…
Thanks, Krista - I'm trying to just take it as it comes, and not get too crazy about either outcome - it's in God's hands!

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