Move it already!

I am having such a hard time getting started today. I just want to crawl back under my lovely doona, and be cozy and warm. Instead, I've got the following to do list, which doesn't include the 'mommy' stuff, because of course I'm going to do that stuff!
vacuum and mop entire house
vacuum spiders out of corners
tidy toy room (why?!?)
laundry (always)
clean windows
potty training 
dinner (no idea what we're having)
and for fun, we're going to walk a circuit into town and back, so we can (thanks to the GPS in Lachie's phone) figure out how far it is. One of my goals is to be able to run 5k. Not fast, but running none the less.
Now if you'll excuse me, I've got to convince my body that it really wants to get started on my chores.


I lovingly refer to the laundry pile as "Mt. NeverRest"---just sayin'! How is the potty training going?

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