And the answer is...

No, I am not pregnant. Is it possible to be both relieved and disappointed at the same time? I guess it must be, because that's how I feel. Relieved, because I don't feel ready. Disappointed, because I think a mother's heart always yearns for a baby to hold.
My youngest 'baby' is turning one on Friday. I can hardly believe that it was a year ago. In some respects, it seems to have flown by, and in others - I feel like it should have been 10 years, with everything that has happened.
I would have been ready if I had been pregnant, to share myself with a baby. But now that I know I'm not, I'm a bit glad that I won't have to just yet. I want some more time with just the three of us girls, running amok.
And, quite frankly, although it would have been okay to be pregnant, I really want to be in better shape for it. (Must do those Kegels!)
So, that's the answer to the question on my mind. Now I can get on with things as per usual, but with the knowledge that if I do get pregnant, then it's totally okay.


and there's nothing wrong with practicing!!!xoxoxo

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