(Poo warning!!!) I never thought I'd be so happy...

to see poop. Specifically, the soft brown variety. Ew, I know - gross. But let me explain. You see, since we started Pippa on formula, back in November, her poo was sort of grayish green, and very firm. I assumed it was sort of normal, because of the iron content of the formula. But now that she's on this special formula, I think otherwise. I think the coloring was caused by her intolerance to either dairy or soy, I'm not sure which. The formula also seems to be helping with her eczema, as the red patches on her neck have all but disappeared. The legs, not so much - but I'm working on it. Anyway, I think that this formula is the beginning of the process that will find some much-needed relief for Pippa Jane.
In other news, we have also solved the waking up twice a night thing. She was cold. Duh, I know. But we got this sort of sleeping bag suit thing that goes on over her pajamas, and presto! No more 5am wake up calls!!
Charlie, on the other hand, continues to wake up. Perhaps because she also is cold. But I'm not sure how to fix that one, other than to find some footed pajamas or maybe make her wear thick socks to bed.
Neither of the girls keeps their blanket on, as they both sleep sort of all over the place. Which is one of the things that makes sleeping with her difficult.
Now I'm off to watch a movie with Lachie, as the girls are both finally in bed for the night.


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