Super-Sleuth Momma, on the job!

So every morning at 6:45, and every evening at supper time, this idiot (and I don't normally use that word) zooms down our street in his souped up junk-mobile, making all kinds of racket. Apart from how much the volume level bothers me, the velocity at which this guy proceeds down our tranquil street is absolutely unsafe, illegal, and totally unnecessary. So this morning I was waiting, with my camera - I was determined to make a video of his activity, and take it into the police station, complete with license plate number. Wouldn't you know it, he drove a different way today and instead of gathering speed the length of the block, started at the alley halfway and so wasn't going nearly as fast. I'm still going to investigate, and get his license plate number though, and make a report to the police. Seriously, if someone were crossing the street, there is NO WAY this guy could stop or avoid sending them into the next street. I am fed up with people who consider themselves the centre of the universe, and have absolutely NO consideration for the existence of other people. Maybe I'm overreacting because of hormones, but I don't think so. So I will be waiting tomorrow morning, and every morning, until I get this bloke's license plate. And now I'm off to call in a noise complaint about my other neighbours who play the loud music.


Apple said…
Good idea, I wish I had the balls to do that to some of the people that pass down our street. I hope you catch him! :)

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