Cranky, cranky child

This last week has not been my absolute favourite in terms of motherhood. Aside from the fact that I'm absolutely knackered, and emotionally stretched pretty thin, Charlie is cutting her top two canines, drooling all over everything, whiny, whiny, whiny, blowing snot bubbles like a champion, and has another skin infection. We've decided that since regulating her diet isn't really working to get rid of the eczema, probably because of environmental factors (namely house dust), that we'll just do the best we can, and treat the flare-ups for now. We've got a referral to a paediatrician in May, so we'll revisit it then. I'm also wary of using a lot of cortisone on her face, because she's got this patch on her ankle (where we've had to frequently use cortisone) that's become quite hairy. Seriously, I don't want my little girl to be the only one at playgroup with a beard! I can't keep putting this pressure on myself to 'cure' her eczema - it's too stressful. I'm not giving up completely, and I'm still not going to give her cows' milk, but I'm not going to obsess about every tiny thing that goes into her mouth. I've got quite enough to be getting on with, thank you very much. I'm also not going to stress too much about letting her play outside - we'll just take each flare-up as it comes. The clinic wouldn't do her allergy skin test because she's not yet 2 years old, which was pretty frustrating, but fair enough. Pippa Jane is growing well, at least according to my bump. I've only put on about 6 pounds so far, which is good in that I was a bit heavy to begin with, but frustrating because sometimes I think I just look like I've had one too many takeaway meals, and feel kind of self-conscious about the way I look. I want to shout to people - "Hey, I'm not fat - I'm 7 months pregnant!"
Anyway, not much else is new with us today - I had this weird series of dreams last night, including one where I was running away from the Mafia with an ex-boyfriend. There were a couple of other ones in there as well, but that's the one that was the strangest by far.
So now I'm off to go put myself on ice for a bit before bed.


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