Random information about yours truly

Some things about me that you may or may not know:
I love to play board games.
I also love to do jigsaw puzzles - really hard ones that take a long time
I love movies that make me cry.
I do not care for peas.
I love shopping.
If I am reading, good luck getting my attention.
I enjoy baking.
I love cooking for other people.
I wish my hair weren't so grey.
If I had to pick a favourite cuisine, I'd say Italian
If I was able to visit anywhere in the world, I'd visit Pennsylvania, then San Antonio Texas
I sometimes wonder if my ex-husband has found someone new. (Not because I'd be jealous, but a sort of curiosity)
My biggest moments in life? Singing at a televised event, my wedding day (the second one), and the birth of my two daughters.
I collect teacups, stones, and pajamas.
I like to sing loudly when no one is listening.
I love to drive.
I ate dry cat food when I was a kid.
I stole crayons from the school store in the 3rd grade.
In 7th grade, I made friends with the girl who smelled bad, because no one else would talk to her and the other kids made fun of her.
I'm terrible with remembering names, but I almost always remember faces.
I'm also terrible with remembering birthdays, but it doesn' t mean I don't care.
I love finding the perfect gift for someone.
If I had an afternoon to do whatever I wanted, all by myself, I would clean and organise my entire house.


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