
I don't know what to write. I've got some heavy stuff on my mind, but I'm not ready to write about that. And because of the heavy stuff, I'm not able to see the lighter side of things to write about that. Then there's just the daily grind, but that's sooooo boring that I don't want to go through it, let alone read about it. Philippa is sleeping better, we've had two 7 hour nights since putting her on formula. I should be less tired, but it's the opposite - go figure.
Feeling supremely unmotivated today. There is a heap of stuff to do of course, but I'm all alone this morning, as usual. Kids are in bed, so I suppose I should be doing something productive, instead of whinging on and on, but I just can't seem to get started. I care, but I don't care. If that even makes any sense to anyone.
Tomorrow is Charlie Brown's birthday party - I'm making a capuccino-shaped birthday cake, and I'm making a big bowl of tossed salad. I should be excited about it, but honestly? It's just another day for me.
Hopefully this little mood swing will pass soon, and I can get back to making people laugh.


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