I've got four functioning cells in my brain

Cell #1: Chocolate, chocolate, chocolate
Cell #2: Salt, Salt, Salt (in the form of potato chips, please)
Cell#3: CAFFEINE!!!!!!! (preferably coke, but I'm not picky)
Cell #4: s.....l.....e.....e......p................zzzzzzzzzzzzz
Since I'm typing this, perhaps I've got more than four functioning brain cells. But those four are by far the loudest. They're having a contest to see who drives my blood pressure through the roof, with my now 2-year old running a close race for first place. But Lachlan's taken the 2-year old to the shop to get stuff to make pizza (yippee!), so I'm getting a little break.  
Oh, and while I'm having a mini-rant, let me just say that people who drive rudely make me really angry. I don't want to hear your loud engine roaring through my tranquil afternoon. I don't care how quickly you can make it from one end of the street to the other. I couldn't give one gajillionth of a molecule. I don't think you're cool. In fact, I think you are supremely UNCOOL. Perhaps the UNCOOLEST person in the universe, and that includes any uncool aliens out there. 
Wow, okay I think I'm done with that.


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