What would you do?

I have a dilemma, and I am having a hard time solving it, if it indeed can be solved. Maybe it's not for me to fix, and I just have to love this person, but goodness me, is it hard. Have you ever had a person in your life that is just so hard to love? That's not quite what I wanted to say - it's more that I don't know how to love this person. It's like this person intentionally repels all my attempts at reaching out, no matter what I do or say. I know that I'm supposed to trust that God is working in this person's life, and maybe that's supposed to be enough. I'm a fixer, that's who I've always been. I've always been a bridge builder, and I've always wanted to make everyone happy all the time. What do you do when there's a person who either doesn't want to be, or refuses to be, fixed? Just a question sent into the void...


Just when you think you can't take another minute, you get a moment of grace sent your way and it's all okay again.


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