Happy Thanksgiving!!

Surrounded by family, basking in the warmth of grace and blessings abundant. Thank you, Lord for every good and perfect gift, and I thank you for the not so good and not so perfect gifts, because I know that you are shaping me and moulding me into the woman you created me to be. Thank you for this life growing inside of me, for the child who is upstairs sleeping in her crib, for just being there, all the time. Even when I can't feel your presence, you are there, carrying out your will. All glory and praise and honor to you, my LORD. Amen

P.S. Please pray for my sister, Cassie who is in the hospital in Indiana. She's got dangerously high blood sugar and unexplained chest pain. Thank you!

P.P.S. My sister is home, and feeling better. Still no explanation on the chest pain, but the blood sugar was all about the sweets that people were bringing into work for the holidays. Thank you for your prayers.


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