Well water is not for babies...

I grew up on the stuff, but apparently Charlotte is not a country girl. She's had explosive, foul, weapon-of-mass-destruction strength diarrhoea since we arrived. I should be thankful, at least she's not spewing any more. My nausea seems to be gone as well, thank you Lord. I also think she's getting more into a normal sleep pattern, because she's awake most of the day (minus a nap) and asleep most of the night. She wakes up at about 7:30 pm though, and won't go back to sleep until about 9:30. We'll get there. I know my last post was a bit sad and perhaps a bit prematurely morbid, and rest assured that I am still hopeful that my dad will get well and receive a liver transplant, and live out the rest of his life. I just needed to acknowledge the other possibility, out loud.
Since I paid tribute to my dad in the last post, let me pay tribute to my mom too. My mom is also amazing. She came into my life for good when I was a young woman, and newly estranged from my own mother. She was there when I got married the first time, and when my marriage fell apart. She was there when I brought home Lachlan, and whenever we had difficulties. She was there when we announced our first pregnancy at Thanksgiving, and a short time later she was there when we said goodbye to the babies. She has held me, rocked me, stroked my hair, and just been there. She has prayed for me, over me, and sometimes AT me. There are things that I will talk about with her that I just can't discuss with anyone else. She has changed Charlotte's nappy for me because the current foulness combined with my pregnant nose is just not happening. I am watching her care for my father, and seeing her try to be strong when she thinks she can't be. I admire her faith, and her willingness to admit weakness. She is my mother, and I am so proud to be her daughter. I will be her daughter when I am 99 with great great grandchildren of my own. And she will be my mother when she goes home to be with Jesus. I love you Mom, and I'm so very proud of you.


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