One year ago...

My baby is officially 1 year old. Yesterday, in fact. This photo was taken just a few days after she was born:

And now, one year on, this is what she looks like:

She's such a little person, with definite opinions. We are so incredibly thankful for the miracle that is our Charlotte Elizabeth. She talks incessantly, although the only word we really understand is Dada. I'm pretty sure she says "Tickle, Tickle", probably because I do it to her all the time. She is cruising pretty confidently around the furniture now, but doesn't seem eager to walk on her own. She's content to crawl around and eat stuff from the floor (like I don't feed her enough!), and has an almost unhealthy obsession with the cat's water dish. She loves to feed herself, and will not, even if she's just finished eating, tolerate other people eating in front of her.


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