Too much to do, too little time

It's hard coming home for 4 weeks. It's probably one of those things that, if I were to come for 2 months, I'd need 3 or 4. There are so many people who I want to see, and who want to see me, but I just don't have a lot of time, and I don't want to spend a lot of time away from my mom and dad. Thankfully, most people have been understanding and accomodating. Two of my friends from high school will hopefully be able to come to visit - I'll call you tomorrow, Brenda and Teresa, I promise - and another of my friends is willing to come and pick me up for lunch. I've just about run out of steam on this vacation/holiday. I thought it would be a chance for me to relax and just sleep a lot, but I've been so busy that after two weeks of vacation, I need another vacation. Charlotte is getting so big. She's got all these new clothes (how I'm getting them into the suitcase I have NO idea) from her family, and they make her look like such a big girl. It is slowly dawning on me how tired I will be with a perpetual motion being and a newborn to look after. She never stops, and I think if I allowed her to, she'd eat constantly. Well, off to put the little one in her bed, and perhaps watch The Two Towers extended DVD version. (So much better, IMHO).


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