If I don't have anything nice to say...
I’ve been kind of quiet lately, I know. Everything is okay, I just haven’t felt like writing. And this morning, I’m in rather a foul mood, so probably shouldn’t write anything, lest I sound ungrateful.
I am aware of my many blessings, and I am extremely thankful. This is a season. I will not always be pregnant, I will not always have such small children, and someday (dare to dream?) I will get more than 2 hours of consecutive sleep. Someday my sugar bowl will remain on the kitchen counter unmolested. Someday I will wear clothing that isn’t stained, ripped, or the wrong size. Someday I will smell nice (in the meantime, thank the Lord for perfume!). Someday, I will no longer need to know whether my children have pooped. And I will look back on this season, and my memory will be fuzzy. The stress and frustration I feel now will be forgotten.
Until then, you’ll have to excuse me because I hear the sugar bowl in the lounge room. Sigh...
And, I love you