Serving like I've been saved...

Last night, as I was drifting off to sleep, I was going through all the items there are to accomplish today. And it’s a formidable list, to be sure. I started to get a bit overwhelmed, and started wondering how the heck I was going to get it all accomplished, and pre-emptively feeling like a failure because I knew I wouldn’t get through it all.

And then the codeine took over, and I slept. Until 2am, when C pounded on her door and called out “Mommy!” For the record, there was no intruder, she was just cold. Probably because she took off her socks and kicked off the covers. So we swapped places, and I slept in her bed, she snuggled up with L, and we resumed our sleep.

But then this morning, I read this devotion, and what it said to me was that I need to serve like I’ve been saved. Which I have. In a huge way! Think about it – if someone saved your life, you’d be pretty much eternally grateful to them. You’d want to show them how appreciative you are. And God has saved me from the life I used to know, in a big way. Sure, sometimes I might not see it that way, but the truth is that I have been freed from a life of bondage to sin. And serving Him is my way to show Him just how grateful I am.

So today’s monumental list of tasks to be completed? Still huge. Still daunting, which is quite possibly the understatement of the week. But each thing I accomplish, I pray that I accomplish it with the heart of a grateful servant. A heart that recognises, with each nappy I change, with each dish I wash, each piece of clothing I hang out to dry, that I have been R-E-S-C-U-E-D.

At the end of the day, the things I didn’t do don’t matter so much, so long as the things I HAVE done reflect the best I have to offer.




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