Silly, Silly Girl.

8am - Guess what I learned yesterday? Doing a big shop with both girls is no longer an option for me. I was having all kinds of crazy Braxton-Hicks last night, blurry vision, unbelievably tired, mentally vague, and I just felt off all over (like I was 39 weeks pregnant, and not 26). Still do. Ugh. Apparently there IS a limitation to my superpowers. And today’s devotion? About asking for help? Yeah – message received, Lord. If only that had been yesterday’s devotional topic. Anyway, I’ve asked my good friend to pick C up and take her to preschool, and hopefully I’ll get a big fat nap in, and feel a bit better by this afternoon. At any rate, I’ve got to make her lunch for preschool, and put on some laundry on, because I’m out of clean clothes again. Sigh. I’ll continue this a bit later, and let you know how I’m progressing through the day.

1:20pm – After a nap, I actually feel worse. But life goes on, right? I’ve not done a lick of housework today, so things are at best, untidy. At worst, unhygienic. I’m fairly certain P just grabbed rice crackers off the kitchen bench and is eating them off the floor. Though we’ve had pizza not two nights ago, I’m going to order it again, and since we’ve had our fresh veggies delivered, we’ll have a salad. I don’t have any appetite at all, but I can’t just eat nothing. So a bit of salad, some water, and then bed, bed, bed. Oh wait, except I have to go to get the pizza. And the computer from the church office. And I have to wash some clothes because mine are all in the dirty laundry. Blegh.

I’m literally too tired to continue this, so I’ll just close and send. Hopefully I’ll be back to my witty, entertaining, charming self soon. Or at least able to put on clothes instead of pajamas.




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