Remain in Me

I read John 15 today, and it occurred to me that as I’ve been getting more and more tired, stressed, angry, and resentful, I’ve been following this particular instruction less and less. Coincidence? I think not. It’s been so easy to fall off this wagon. But I don’t like the person I’m becoming without God’s word imprinted daily on my heart. So though I’m weary, though I’m worn, I will reach up for His hand, and allow Him to lift me back to a higher place through His strength, not my own.

And today’s devotion was about perseverance. The context for me is completely different, but I think it still applies. Motherhood, domesticity, wifehood – it’s really, really, really hard. Housework is endless, and at the end of the day, when the children are in bed, it looks a bit like someone has broken into our house. I heave a deep sigh, dig in, and clean it all up. Again. That takes perseverance. Cleaning something that you KNOW will be dirty again. Picking up toys that you’ll undoubtedly pick up 20 times in a day. Saying things that you’ll repeat countless times throughout the day. Making cups of tea and coffee that you know will go cold and get tipped out long before you have a chance to actually sit and drink them. That, my friends, is perseverance. I persevere because I have hope. Hope that this time, it will be different.

And now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go and persevere at motherhood. And put clothes back on my toddler. Again.


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