Ha. Snort. Ha!

So a remark was made last night, and I took it personally. In reality, it wasn’t personal. But in my hormonally-overwrought state, I overreacted. And spent a good hour last night sulking and crying, thinking of how unfair it all was. And then this morning, as I began to write out my to-do list, those feelings returned with a vengeance. And I prayed for God to help me to serve my family without anger or resentment today. To help me WANT to serve them. To enjoy serving them, and by serving them, serving Him.

Then I turned to today’s devotional – The title? (I am SO not making this up!) “It’s Not Fair!”.

The context was a bit different, but the message was crystal clear.

As I read the daily readings, and did my Bible study for today, I began to feel the dark cloud of worldly gloom lift, and although my to-do list is still quite impressive, I’m only focusing on one task at a time. That’s all I can do anyway. I mean, without a live-in maid, a house elf, or a couple of extra hours in the day.

Last night was not a good night for sleeping. I was in bed for about 60 seconds when Pippa began to whinge a bit. I went into their room, and laid down there for a bit, but she wasn’t settling well. So we came into the guest room, and slept in here until about 6:30. Meaning that without me to force her to go back to her own bed, C ended up sleeping with L at some point. He says it’s too disturbing to his sleep for him to get up and put her back in bed, and unlike me, he can’t sleep during the day to catch up. I kind of see his point, but I’m still a bit touchy about that particular statement, so I’ll just leave it at that.

Today we’ve got a lot to do, but like I said – one item at a time. I’d better get moving, because none of it is getting done sitting here.



Girl, it is SO not fair! Well, sometimes.

love you...xoxoxo

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