
Showing posts from May, 2009

Thank you for power outages, Lord!

We had a 14 hour power outage yesterday. Inconvenient, to say the least. But it was such an awesome thing to have happen. We had such a good time playing together, the girls and I - we did coloring, painting, dominoes, tickles, cuddles, and so much laughter. In spite of me still not being well, it was beautiful. Without the distractions of tv, internet, and housework that requires electricity, I got to really spend time with my babies. And I just ate it up. They are so amazing!   Pippa Jane took her first solo steps the night before her 1st birthday. So she is now officially a toddler. A toddler who prefers crawling, but a toddler. Where has the time gone? We have a one year old and a two and a half year old - when did that happen? I watch them playing together, one with sandy blond ringlets, and one with dark tufts of hair, their little heads pushed together, laughing, and I am so thankful. Thankful that they are healthy, that they are happy (most of the time), and t...

And the answer is...

No, I am not pregnant. Is it possible to be both relieved and disappointed at the same time? I guess it must be, because that's how I feel. Relieved, because I don't feel ready. Disappointed, because I think a mother's heart always yearns for a baby to hold.   My youngest 'baby' is turning one on Friday. I can hardly believe that it was a year ago. In some respects, it seems to have flown by, and in others - I feel like it should have been 10 years, with everything that has happened.   I would have been ready if I had been pregnant, to share myself with a baby. But now that I know I'm not, I'm a bit glad that I won't have to just yet. I want some more time with just the three of us girls, running amok.   And, quite frankly, although it would have been okay to be pregnant, I really want to be in better shape for it. (Must do those Kegels!) So, that's the answer to the question on my mind. Now I can get on with things as per usual, b...

You know those random thoughts?

The ones that pop into your head, and you can't get rid of them? The ones that happen betweem 1 and 3 in the morning? I had one of those last night, and it's still with me.   Charlie woke up inexplicably but predictably around 1am. I got up, settled her, but I was back in bed no longer than 3 minutes when she woke again. This time, to save myself more trips, I just brought her back to bed with me. When she had fallen asleep, I was lying there awake. And nauseated. And the thought hit me- what if I'm pregnant? Of course then I started thinking that I'd been so careful, but there was that one day where I *nearly* missed a pill, but thought I'd caught it in the 12 hour window. But surely not... And then my mind jumped to the logistics of having a third child in this time frame. On the plus side, he/she would be born sometime in February, when Charlie is in preschool. And I've already had two at home 18 months apart, so having two at home 21 months ap...

(Poo warning!!!) I never thought I'd be so happy...

to see poop. Specifically, the soft brown variety. Ew, I know - gross. But let me explain. You see, since we started Pippa on formula, back in November, her poo was sort of grayish green, and very firm. I assumed it was sort of normal, because of the iron content of the formula. But now that she's on this special formula, I think otherwise. I think the coloring was caused by her intolerance to either dairy or soy, I'm not sure which. The formula also seems to be helping with her eczema, as the red patches on her neck have all but disappeared. The legs, not so much - but I'm working on it. Anyway, I think that this formula is the beginning of the process that will find some much-needed relief for Pippa Jane. In other news, we have also solved the waking up twice a night thing. She was cold. Duh, I know. But we got this sort of sleeping bag suit thing that goes on over her pajamas, and presto! No more 5am wake up calls!! Charlie, on the other hand, continues to ...

Potty training on hold again

I asked Charlie this morning if she wanted to put on undies and use the potty today - she said "Nope."   So she is capable of doing it, she just doesn't want to at the moment. And with me feeling sick, I'm just not up to forcing it.    Today is shopping day - I've got some errands to run, and a house to clean, so I'd better scoot.   Pippa seems to be coping alright with the change in formula, although we're still blending the two together to make a gradual transition.   XOXO, Sarah

3 years

3 years today since I arrived in this land.   With each passing day, I feel less foreign. This is my life now, and I think I'm beginning to accept that my old life, with all its comforts and familiarities, is in the past.   The harsh reality is that the more children I have, the harder it is for me to make trips back there. It's not that I don't love my family and friends over there, because I do. It's just that I can't afford the airfare for me, and the two girls. The only way I could do it is if I went on my own, and I just don't feel right about leaving them behind for a few weeks. Maybe when they're school aged, it will be different, but right now, I feel that my responsibility is to them. It's a hard pill to swallow, mostly because of how I think other people will be affected by this reality. I hate disappointing people, and this is a pretty massive disappointment. So even though I feel confident that this is the right thing for now...

Potty training

we're working on it. Charlie seems to be a bit overwhelmed as of late, and is experiencing a regression of sorts. It's all good though. We'll get there. It's a rainy day today, and we're just hibernating here at home, as it's a bit chilly. I need a quiet day at home, after the maniacal weekend of exercise I've had. You can read about the latest adventure here at my other blog, called Shut Yer Piehole and Move Already! Other than that, no news is good news, I suppose. I've got Pippa an appointment with the paediatrician, but not until June. Until then, I guess we'll just manage as best as we can with her skin. I'm off to see why Charlie has gone quiet... XOXO, Sarah

Move it already!

I am having such a hard time getting started today. I just want to crawl back under my lovely doona, and be cozy and warm. Instead, I've got the following to do list, which doesn't include the 'mommy' stuff, because of course I'm going to do that stuff!   vacuum and mop entire house vacuum spiders out of corners tidy toy room (why?!?) laundry (always) dishes clean windows potty training  dinner (no idea what we're having)     and for fun, we're going to walk a circuit into town and back, so we can (thanks to the GPS in Lachie's phone) figure out how far it is. One of my goals is to be able to run 5k. Not fast, but running none the less.   Now if you'll excuse me, I've got to convince my body that it really wants to get started on my chores.   xoxo, Sarah