
Isn't it funny how we just exist, without thinking about what a miracle it is in the first place?
One molecule different, and I wouldn't be here. Or maybe I would be here, but be a profoundly different person. If my mother hadn't been my mother, or if my dad hadn't been my dad, I wouldn't be me. My whole life would be different, and wouldn't be mine - it would be someone else's life. All the choices that I've made, good bad and extremely ugly, would never have been made. And it is tempting, in thinking especially about the bad choices, to wish that I had made better decisions. If I had though, I wouldn't be here. Even bad decisions can lead to good ends. That's the beauty of having the Creator of the universe know you by name. Only He can take a shattered life and put the pieces together to make something new, something beautiful. My life on this earth isn't perfect, and that's okay. It's the life that's meant for me.


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