Flamingo Montoya Friday

As usual, I have left all the 'going away for the weekend' preparations to the last minute. So everything is a shambles, and we're not ready to go away, and I'm quite frankly too tired to care a whole lot. Here's a short list of what, in my opinion needs to be done before we leave tomorrow:
Laundry (4 loads plus bathmat)
Clean out fridge (somehow we've gotten dead ants in our fridge)
vacuum carpets (the downstairs is like an all-you-can-eat roach buffet, yuck)
scrub toilets (I loathe stinky toilets upon return from holiday)
Mop kitchen floor

This isn't all stuff that I'm planning on doing myself, but rather stuff that I just think should be done before we go away. I don't think I'm being unreasonable, I just don't want to come home on Monday afternoon to a yucky dirty house. We've planned on having takeaways (takeout for the Americans) Monday night, so we don't have to stress about cooking and it can be a low-key evening, and I can't be low-key when I'm surrounded by clutter and dirt. Is it a nesting thing? Is it just something I need to chill out about? I may just have a nap and make ask Lachlan to help me with it later on. We'll see. I'm hoping also that it rains torrentially tomorrow morning, so Landcare is cancelled, and we can make an earlier start of it.

I'm super tired today, more than usual. I didn't get naps yesterday, but I did sleep reasonably well last night. The new lounges (loveseats) arrived in the afternoon, and will require some breaking in to be appropriately squishy. We hadn't factored that in when we were testing them in the showroom, and so were surprised at how firm the cushions were. Lachlan is the 'tenderiser' for the cushions, as when I bounce up and down, there's a distinct possibility of embarrassment. 'Nuff said.
Okay, time to get off my duff and get to work - or sleep, whichever happens first.


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