Well Hello There!

It's January again - I'm still a bit baffled as to how this happened, even though it does every single year. I started the year with my three girls and my husband in Sydney, where we watched the fireworks on television but heard them in person. Then we set off as a family for a camping trip next to the Snowy River. It was literally the best holiday. No mobile reception or reliable Wi-Fi, and while the hot days were tricky with the kiddos, the evenings brought respite in the form of lazing about in the river. It was magic. It was actually the first family holiday I haven't felt the need to recover from.

And now we're back. I'm in the process of getting us back into routines, working backwards to a more sensible bedtime, creating chore charts and schedules.  Basically, I'm in my happy place, especially when you add in household cleaning/organising/DIY projects!

I think last year at the end I was just burned out. Turning off for the time I did, it was so helpful and restorative. While I'm still tired (I'm fairly certain that's permanent), I'm emotionally in a better space. I'm enjoying my family more, and my priorities are clearer, meaning that establishing boundaries (personal ones, but family boundaries too) is easier to do. I've got a 'why' for all the things I've tried to do over the years, and it helps to not lose sight of that when the going gets rough.

People talk about choosing a word as their overriding theme for the year ahead. I decided that if I were going to do such a thing, then my word would be 'focus'.

I want to be more focused.
- In my relationships
- in my faith
- in my work
- in my studies
- in my health/wellbeing efforts

It is strange, though - I'm not feeling any urgency over picking up, tidying up, cleaning up. It will happen when it happens - and if it doesn't happen today, then maybe tomorrow. Life is not an emergency anymore. I hope this version of me can stick around for a while, because she seems to be a good thing for everyone.



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