Inspiration OVERLOAD...

This time of year is so full of hope, expectation, and promise. I mean, Advent is too, for a very different reason. January though? Without even considering the whole New Year buzz, January is MY JAM. Organisation out my ears, creative solutions to challenges from the year before, chore charts, furniture rearranging, cleaning and purging of belongings, fantasies about how organised I am going to be this year and how nobody will say to me ALL YEAR "I can't find my shoes/socks/underwear!" and everybody will say "Thank you Mother for this delicious and nutritious meal you have prepared and served with so much love" every night. It's like those chips that tell you "you can't eat just one". Each idea gives birth to a dozen more, and I'm like an out of control bushfire. 

This is all before the excitement of back to school shopping. There's the shopping for the kids and their stuff for school, but also the school supplies for home. Which means I need to organise the cupboard where those things are going to live this year, which means I need to find a home for the stuff currently in there, and this requires me to organise other things, and …

I did it again, didn't I?

I wasn't like this as a kid. I was quite disorganised as a child. A dreamer. In hindsight, I think it's possible I have some degree of ADHD-Inattentive happening. Organisation does NOT come easily. I need multiple places to write things down, and I need them all to be visually prominent. Using my brain to organise things only works for the first thing; after that, it all gets jumbled, and I end up forgetting things. Nobody ever showed me how to be organised, though I've read countless articles and books on the subject. Trial by fire, really. Well, that and having four children to organise.

Even now, during very busy times, I just lose steam because I overcommit to doing things. In the spirit of FOCUS, I want to scale back, and visually keep track of what's happening, so I can see my capacity, instead of discovering too late that I've reached it, and having to bow out of commitments.

I am excited about the year ahead, because of all the ways my precious family and I are going to grow. It will be painful at times - but it will be amazing.

XO, Sarah


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