In The Zone

In the post from last week, I wrote about this twelve-week thing I'm trying, and I did indeed manage to not drink instant coffee all week. I also ate breakfast every day, and tried to be more active - I was feeling a bit under the weather, and had four children at home sick for two days, but this morning was my very first park run (I walked). Photos were taken. I HATE seeing photos of myself, generally speaking. This photo, the first thing I noticed was my face, which I thought looked cranky. My friend says I look determined. We'll go with that. The next thing I noticed is my shape. I've put on a lot of weight over the years, and while I know that, in theory - seeing evidence of it is uncomfortable. A lot of what I'm doing right now is uncomfortable. Self-care, physical activity, starting a course of study - it lies a billion light years outside my comfort zone.

In the raising of these children, in the growing of my family, one of the things I want to impart to them is that while you can stay in your comfort zone, never trying new things, never taking any risks- or you can take one step, then another, and another, until you're running down a path screaming "I'M GOING ON AN ADVENTURE!!!" (Bilbo Baggins reference).

The only thing stopping me from going on my next adventure was fear. And I decided that fear simply not a good enough reason to stay in my hobbit-hole. That's what I want to show my kids. That sometimes, you can be uncomfortable, and it serves a purpose. Becoming is painful sometimes, and that is necessary.

The discomfort I felt this week, it's been worth it. I can't say my clothes feel any better, but according to the scales, I'm down 1.7 kg (3.7 pounds).

This week's 'one change' is to eat lunch every day. This has been a tricky one for me in the past, because I'm just so busy that I forget. I've got a couple of things I'm going to do to increase my chances of success:

1. I'm going to pre-cook some things to cover 7 lunches. Like quinoa, and the three bunches of asparagus I bought last week.
2. I'm going to set an alarm on my phone to remind me when it's lunchtime.

Lunch, plus trying to drink more water, plus continuing to eat breakfast - week two. Will report back Saturday.



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