The Words I Speak

...and sometimes, need to speak but don't.

I was leaving the grocery store, and I saw some people talking to each other, and the mum described two of her daughters in one way, and the third in another. It got me to thinking about the words I speak over my children. What do they believe about themselves, because of the things I say to them? For that matter, what do I believe about myself, because of the words I offer to myself?

You see, this process of mental reconstruction I'm in, it is not simply a matter of getting rid of unhelpful words. It must also be the adding in of things which build and strengthen me. Likewise, my children need me to NOT be overcritical, but also need me to help them know their strengths.

My oldest is incredibly kind-hearted to children and people in need, and wants to make the world a more beautiful, exciting place to be.
My second child is fair-minded, and also kind-hearted.
My third child is STRONG and determined, and a wonderful artist
My son is delightfully funny, and has a wonderful mind which I hope to understand someday.

What would I say about myself?

I am made in the image of God.
I am loved.

Those two are a pretty good place to start.

Today, I will stop telling myself what a terrible person I am because of what I did or didn't do, and tell myself instead that I am a wonderful part of this universe because of what Jesus did.

I've been moulded by the very hands of God, and loved since before time began. Kind of hard to beat that, isn't it?

XO, Sarah


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