Self-Care September (the Father's Day Edition)

One of the benefits of having somewhat odd methods of self-care (cleaning my house) is that when Father's Day rolls around, I can literally do something for someone else that totally counts as self-care. Today I washed the bedroom curtains (using the new detergent that my husband loves), did some more work with my husband for our growing garden, and cleaned the top of the kitchen cupboards (ewww. Two years of filth) and refrigerator. I benefit, because getting a tough job done feels good, and he benefits because it's something he appreciates.

Now, my friends, I'm off to the grocery store, to provision for the week, then home to make dinner (vegetarian burritos).

Another interesting observation is that when my husband is here, I find self-care easier. When he's away it feels impossible, but is even more vital to the function of our family. I'm forever telling the kids that anything worth doing is worth the effort, so perhaps I need to follow my own advice - future Sarah will be grateful.

See you tomorrow,


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