The Beauty of Brokenness

I watched this bird this morning, being chased by another bird. She wasn't watching where she was flying, she was just fleeing. She flew into the side of the house. and dropped to the deck. As I watched her just sitting there, looking around, but not getting up, I began to feel a weird connection to this poor bird. 

You see, I had a terrible morning yesterday with my children. Probably the worst one ever. I hit a major wall, and all day long, I was exhausted from the guilt. Couldn't catch my breath, chest felt tight, and I couldn't lift a finger to do anything. Paralysed by stress. 

Then I saw this bird, and as I sat there watching her, I felt as though I couldn't leave without seeing her be okay. I had to know it was possible to hit a wall and fly again. I literally sat at my desk, looking out the window, and talked out loud to the bird, encouraging her to get up. Telling her it was okay, that she would be fine. 

You know, all the things I needed to hear but somehow couldn't find the words to say?

As I watched, she stood up. 

Come on, I thought. 
You can do this. Please be okay? I need to know you are okay. 

I was glued to my seat. I really needed to get moving and shower, get dressed. But I needed to know. 

I went to get ready for the day, and when I came out, she was still sitting on the deck. 

Maybe she just needs to try, I thought. Maybe she doesn't know she can still fly? 

So I took some quiet steps over to the back door, got a bit closer. 

And she FLEW. That beautiful bird flew. She was clearly looking around for danger, scanning to see if the other bird was near. But she could fly. 

And the following came to mind:

“Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from the will of your Father. And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.” (Matthew 10:29-31)

You guys, yesterday I was broken. But my Father above, who cares about that bird, cares more about me. He has redeemed me, He has restored me. 

Like the bird, I wasn't sure I could fly again. I needed to be reminded that being broken isn't the end of the story. It's the beauty of redemption that I had forgotten. 

So today, I will live my beautiful brokenness, and wrap it in a cloak of grace, beauty, and Love. 

And then? 

I will FLY. 

XO, Sarah


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