
Specifically, the management of it. It's never been a strength of mine - nor has organisation. Lately though, I find that both of those things are crucial for me. 

I've actually created a workspace for myself, and it's a daily struggle to keep the children from invading it in their search for pens, pencils, art supplies, paper. My post-it notes are particularly popular. I find them everywhere! It's a bit of a gamble, with two of the children so young. It does require me to repeat "That's MUMMY's desk" a fair bit. I know this because my youngest (2 1/2) repeats it. Not that he stops touching my things, but he repeats it. 

With one child in Year Two, one in Kindergarten, one in preschool, and a few new activities/commitments on the horizon, organisation and time management are a vital part of keeping everyone on track. The slow cooker is about to get a workout and a half, and planning ahead is essential. I've got whiteboards, pin boards, post-its, a diary, apps on my smartphone, and even the use of the laptop to keep me on track. Oddly enough, having more to organise is helping me to be more organised. 

We just had a three-day weekend, and although the house isn't in perfect condition, I feel like things are ready for tomorrow morning. In fact, I'll be going to bed shortly, in preparation for that 5am treadmill session, making Welsh cakes, and beginning my day with my Hello Mornings groups, ensuring that my day starts properly. 

Last, but certainly not least, is the proverbial albatross around my neck of self-care. I realise now more than ever that I simply cannot be my best self if I am tired, sick, nutritionally dysfunctional, and cranky. I am passionate about my "job", more than I ever have been about any work I've ever pursued. 
I give it my all, and then just a little more - every single day. This is not sustainable, if I am not regularly recharging my own batteries. To that end, I am making a few changes. 
Regular exercise - even fifteen minutes a day is better than nothing!
Breakfast, EVERY DAY. 
Drink more water
Taking regular time-out. Even if it's hanging clothes in the sunshine, watching my children play. 
Giving myself a curfew. 10pm, earlier if I can manage it. 
Letting go of my need to be perfect, and learning that sometimes "okay" is just that -- okay. 



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